
Tuesday, July 16, 2013



Recently, since my last post a lot has happened, and I'm glad to say they were all happy things. This is the first ever summer vacation that I've felt like I'm being active and spending time with friends and family or exploring places and new things. Its my last long vacation before I start work and I really want to make the best of it. Its quite draining to have your life relatively jammed packed, (its not quite as busy as other people), but nonetheless its considered a lot for someone like me who is used to a slower pace. I've just unloaded my camera for my upcoming (lol tomorrow's) Japan trip and here are some photos.



Primrose Hillで、



おとうとのBMT(Basic Military Training) 卒業式。

 日曜日にシンガポールのGardens by the Bayをはじめて見た。すごい綺麗なところです。

シンガポールのBotanical Gardensです。



Japan has been my number 1 destination I had want to visit since many years ago when I started being interested in its culture (lol less sophisticated-ly, all started from anime =_=) . And now I'm finally taking my maiden trip to the place. I must admit, I'm a little more wary travelling to Japan now at this age (compared to if I had done so maybe half a decade ago) I've read many travel posts and Japan-related articles until now, and its definitely one of the most spoken/written about travel destination in the world, and all mostly postive. It does take away some of the excitement since you've already read hundreds of accounts and things haven't really changed much since then. Its like watching a movie after reading many many reviews about it. So, this time, I'm hoping I'll be able to discover my own view and experiences in spite of all the prior expectations I may have.

Here's to the next 2 weeks~! 

P.s. I should really start packing! 

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Graduation ball

A week has flown by since my last exam and I've been out everyday its crazy. I guess I'm fulfilling my promise to minimize time spent indoors after that exam period hibernation I had.

Last Friday was graduation ball, which is my third one ever, and this time I did the all the makeup and hair myself. The end result wasn't too different from getting it done by professionals (80%?) so I guess I'm not toooooo bad. 
Spent the longest time doing my nails:

Hair make (I've only used the curler less than 5times? it was a struggle XD )

The event was at the grand Mayfair Hotel. Forgot to bring my dslr so had to take photos from random sources i.e. the hundreds of other cameras there that night lol.

Ferrero Rocher tower at the entrance.

Random entertainment of the night. X) She was really lively.

 Awards from that night
 Chocolate fountain was fun. :)
 Dance floor after

Anyway, its unbelievably late (early?) now so I'll update again next time!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Well done

I thought the mini flag on my burger was an apt sign to conclude the night, when earlier in the day I finished my last ever exam paper for my undergraduate degree.

The paper ended at 1.10pm, returned my library book, paid fines, returned locker keys, recieved deposit, went out for lunch with coursemates, returned to the jcr for pizza leavers party and got a lsop mug, went home, went to get solution to declog completely clogged sink, went for dinner at Byron's down the street, finally after passing by it umpteen times and remembering my friend's recommendation of it.

Its a hip, causal place with nice, friendly staff. No frills, just burger. I must confessed I had the many images of burgers from seto ayumi's instagram stuck in my head (that girl seriously eats it for every meal) when I walked into this place.

Now at 2.20am, I'm exhausted, from the day, the thought of all the things I have to do before I leave London in 2-3weeks, and from the gravity of what this day means for me, the end of 4 years studying abroad, whose impact is immense and no doubt changed part of me and the course of my life forever, from the moment I took the flight here, at 19 years old of age, to the person I am now, typing this at nearly 23.

P.s. the 3pounds sink deblocker solution when dumped down the sink, caused the previously stale stink water to go glug-a-glugging down the sinkhole in 2mins, as if it was never blocked in the first place, the only sign being the scent of chlorine in the air. Now if only I can dump a bottle of solution on every problem and it just melts magically away....

I need sleep. goodnight. My summer awaits.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Magic pre-battle drink.

Looks like an advert, but well really I've been drinking this stuff (chicken essence from various brands) before most exams since primary school due to the extremely successful ad campaign by brand's essencse of chicken which showed a whole classroom of primary school kids each with a bottle on every exam table. XD but well i like the taste and placebo effects can be real. Anyway last bottle I have, last exam tomorrow! Its worth 6.7% of my degree, but I probably have put a disproportionate amount of effect into this one compared to all the other graded stuff. :/ bah at the very least I hope I pass!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Final paper!

Sunny weather photos taken right after my first paper.
The examiner said at the end: "Don't worry the sun is still out!" lol.

The parks in London are becoming like beaches again during the day.

Lovely weather for alfresco chilling.

There was a man playing violin outside the tube.

And I am ecstatic about my new choker which arrived in the post today! 
Its a really cheap yet delicate handmade find on amazon (love amazon so much, why don't we have it in Singapore!??) So tempted to get another in a lighter colour.

One more exam to go in a week and I have yet to start studying. Been on a break since the last paper yesterday morning. Need to concentrate, last ever exam (unless....I took a postgrad and excluding pre-reg...)!

Friday, May 31, 2013

2 weeks, 3 papers, freedom! / Memories of Animeskies.

till then, i need to concentrate!!

Recently I did a search for my old anime graphics design website "Animeskies" and ended up on tumblr with tons of pretty pictures like the one above with the hashtag. It was a good decade ago when it was popular (or at least I think it was more so then, or perhaps it was just me who got out of it) to go to graphics sites to get your layouts (found one submission!) blogskins, neopet profile design (called lookups), wallpapers, animation sprites, downloaded calenders, midis, japanese lessons (someone kept a copy of some translations), photoshop tutorials, manga drawing tutorials etc, and such sites even give each other "awards" which are like graphics you can display on your site with an awarded title. 
Like this :P I gave out awards too! Essentially, sites ask you to judge them and you decide the category they receive  X)
Sigh nostalgia. Gone were the heydays! Haha, it was such a teenagish hobby all conjured up with photoshop and dreamweaver and ftps etc. That was around the time when the internet started taking off. I wasn't born into this millenium. u.u

We (I had a team of contributers! Friends, classmates) actually had a good amount of hits too! I had to deal with bandwidth problems and looking for hosts. Started off from angelfire, then to freewebs, then to  Jennifer who hosted us at our last address (animeskies.endlessrain.org) . I actually found an analysis of the website. There were the people back then who frequently comment on tagboards/chatboxes. But I guess now those individual design sites are superseeded by tumblr etc where people post their works directly onto the sharing sites. Oh man, I'm starting to feel old enough for reminscing! The little details from those few years are coming back to me now that I start looking at these things again. Its amazing how much you forget with time. Its only when you look back that you see the things that have changed. My writing 10 years ago was terrible lol. To be fair the graphic designs were very basic too! lol. Teenage hobbies.

Some screenshots of the oldest layouts (yes, it was fashionable to change layouts to version 1.0, 2.0 etc X) )

I don't have a screenshot of the last ever one. :( I could go on forever, but I've been distracted long enough today with 3 days to the exams so... Better get my butt off non-related tabs. :(

Haha, I'll end off with a blinkie from then as seen in the screenshot above! :p Till freedom!
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