
Saturday, February 2, 2013

Post-exam escape

Happy February finallyFinished my last paper today and is looking forward to less vivid dreams and uninterrupted sleep (from an over-stressed and stimulated brain). Well perhaps for just one night? In about 10 hours I should be on the train out of London on a post-exam trip to stretch those sedentary legs! In anticipation of the destination, I watched this tonight (been awhile since I saw any):
Yup! Its "In Bruges", the dark comedy that arguably contributed to the modest fame of the filming location. It started out suspiciously reeking of tourism promotion (lol) and a slow pace, but then progressed a bit quicker and ended with a bang. It felt somehow atypical of usual films imo, slightly quirky in a simple way.

Shall be heading for a short 3 days trip to Brussels and BrugesIts a first of a kind trip in some way, hoping everything goes well! And please please don't rain the whole day!

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