
Saturday, April 20, 2013

I love airplane food.

And Singapore Airlines has one of the best I've tried.

Singapore fried carrot cake with prawns, fruits, muffin, cereal, bread roll.

Fish masala with basmati rice, ladyfingers, crabmeat pasta salasd, panna cotta, biscuit and bread roll.
In London now and feeling very sleepy. Cleaned up room, unpacked and washed sheets so this deserves a nice sleep. Plus I popped back my retainers after not wearing it for almost half a year, so this is giving me a dull ache. 今ロンドンに居ます、超眠いです。へやを清潔にして、荷物をアンパックして、シーツを洗いましたから、いい寝ることを値します。寝ましょう。

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