
Saturday, February 23, 2013

Still CNY

Finally went for some sort of CNY celebratory meal at the Bugis Street Brasserie at Gloucester Road, one of the few Singaporean/Malaysian restaurants in London. Was secretly hoping they had yu sheng on their CNY menu, but discovered then that all the dishes were chinese but not distinctively Singaporean. Oh wells, but it turns out that I enjoyed every dish! 22.50pds per person was on the high side, but you do get alot of food of sizable portions. Was definitely stuffed even before dessert.

 Seafood & hot and sour soup.
 Complimentary tiger beer. It wasn't as bad as I remembered it to be, perhaps my tolerance to the taste of alcohol has increased by now. It was the first alcoholic drink I've ever tasted and I thought it was really bad at that time.
 The claypot braised beef was really tender and yummy. :)
 I really really like the black moss/mushroom/pak choi dish!

Glutinous rice ball in red bean soup dessert.
Am going back again tomorrow! 0.0 This time its a free buffet. :) Please let there be yusheng!

Also, chinese new year themed nail art which will only last till tuesday cause of hospital attachment. :X toothpicked the drawings in case anyone is wondering. Relatively fast to do actually!


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