This week's Japanese class notes (paper is too easy to lose compared to cyberspace's permanent record isn't it?).
As in how english has phrases like "to catch a cold" which doesn't make too much literal sense, Japanese has similar set phrases (idioms?) as well. These are the examples from class this monday.
お経を読む(おきょうをよむ)to read scriptures
新聞を読む(しんぶんをよむ)to read the newspaper
夢・映画を見る(ゆめ・えいがをみる)to see a dream/movie
手を洗う(てをあらう)to wash hands
手紙を書く(てがみをかく)to write a letter
水を飲む(みずをのむ)to drink water
荷物を運ぶ(にもつをはこぶ)to transport luggage
料理を作る(りょうりをつくる)to cook (lit: to make food)
電話を掛ける(でんわをけける)to make a call (lit: to hang up a phone)
Showerを浴びる(をあびる)to bathe
写真を撮る(しゃしんをとる)to take a photo
野球をやる(やきゅうをやる)to play baseball (lit: to do baseball)
旅行をする(りょこうをする)to travel
車を運転する(くるまをうんてんする)to drive (lit: to move a car) 例えば:車を運転する事が難しいです。
日本語を勉強する(にほんごをべんきょうする)to study japanese language
風邪を引く(かぜをひく)to catch a cold (lit: to pull wind)
空を飛ぶ(そらをとぶ)to fly in the sky (Note: this is a set phrase though it makes sense to say sora ni tobu)
気を付ける(きをつける)to take care
面倒を見る(めんどうをみる)to look after 例えば:子供の面倒を見ることが面倒くさいです。
文句を言う(もんくをいう)to complain (tsukeru also means dip/pay)
帽子を被る(ぼうしをかぶる)to wear a hat (kaburu = to cover)
眼鏡を掛ける(めがねをかける)to wear glasses (kakeru = to hang)
服を着る(ふくをきる)to wear clothes
手袋を付ける(手袋を付ける)to put on gloves
ズボンを履く(をはく)to put on trousers. haku = putting on items in a bottom up motion.
靴下を履く to put on socks
靴を履く to put on shoes
We also learnt a new sentence structure, and that is Verb + koto ga (事が)+ adjective.
Also the meaning is the same: 勉強する=勉強をする、学習する=学習をする 等等, but the left hand side is a verb and the right hand side is a noun+verb.
But the structure is different:
日本語(N)の勉強(N)をする事が好きです(N+の+N) rmb:N+が+Adj
Plural forms:
Random new words:
説明(せつめい)=explain 例えば:日本語の文法(ぶんぽう)を説明することが難しい。
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