
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

[Cover] SAKURA (Ikimono gakari)

Original by Ikimono gakari いきものがかり

I'm back in Singapore for 2 weeks for easter break and decided to record a song before impending dental work (:S). Since its cherry blossom season (or well towards the end of it!) and also graduation time in Japan, I decided to pick this song by Ikimono gakari, which is a very cool band with a youthful vibe, and they have many other good songs that I like too. ^^ Kiyoe sings typically with a very fresh, strong, almost brash, belting voice and well I didn't want to do the same so this is a more toned down version which I hope you'll like!

Since I'm learning Japanese too, here are some words I learnt from singing this song XD. To learn them, just follow the song as the words are taken in the order they appear.

ひらひら hirahira = Fluttering
落ちて ochite = ochiru = to fall
揺れる yureru = to shake/sway
散る chiru = to fall/scatter/disappear/spread
抱きしめた dakishimeta =dakishimeru = to hug close/hold tight
おもかげ omokage = vestige
通った = pass
出た deta = deru = to come out
色づく irozuku = to change color (esp. plants)
川辺 kawabe = riverside
それぞれ sorezore = each
選び erabi = select
終えた oeta => 終える to finish to graduate
咲き(bloom)誇る(to boast of) sakihokoru = to be in full bloom
焦らせて arasete = araseru = to be in a hurry/impatient
映る utsuru = to be reflected/to harmonize with/to come out(photo)/to be projected
受け入れて ukeirete= ukeireru= to accept
ひらく hiraku = to open/spread out/hold or give a party, conference etc.
超えて koete =koeru = to pass through, to exceed, to cross over
こうやって kouyatte = thus, in this way
かな kana = I wonder, should I?
伸ばすnobasu = to grow long (beard, hair, etc.); to lengthen; to extend; to stretch; to reach out; to hold out; to straighten; to smooth out; to spread evenly (dough, cream, etc.); to dilute; to thin out; to postpone; to prolong; to strengthen; to develop; to expand
抱き(daki=dakuto embrace)寄せた (yoseta=yosete= to come near; to let someone approach)
つつまれて tsutsumarete =tsutsumu = to wrap up
残る nokoru = to remain
夢見し yumemishi = yumemiru = to dream
誓いし chikaishi => chikau = to swear/vow.

now to start studying. =_=

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