
Friday, June 14, 2013

Well done

I thought the mini flag on my burger was an apt sign to conclude the night, when earlier in the day I finished my last ever exam paper for my undergraduate degree.

The paper ended at 1.10pm, returned my library book, paid fines, returned locker keys, recieved deposit, went out for lunch with coursemates, returned to the jcr for pizza leavers party and got a lsop mug, went home, went to get solution to declog completely clogged sink, went for dinner at Byron's down the street, finally after passing by it umpteen times and remembering my friend's recommendation of it.

Its a hip, causal place with nice, friendly staff. No frills, just burger. I must confessed I had the many images of burgers from seto ayumi's instagram stuck in my head (that girl seriously eats it for every meal) when I walked into this place.

Now at 2.20am, I'm exhausted, from the day, the thought of all the things I have to do before I leave London in 2-3weeks, and from the gravity of what this day means for me, the end of 4 years studying abroad, whose impact is immense and no doubt changed part of me and the course of my life forever, from the moment I took the flight here, at 19 years old of age, to the person I am now, typing this at nearly 23.

P.s. the 3pounds sink deblocker solution when dumped down the sink, caused the previously stale stink water to go glug-a-glugging down the sinkhole in 2mins, as if it was never blocked in the first place, the only sign being the scent of chlorine in the air. Now if only I can dump a bottle of solution on every problem and it just melts magically away....

I need sleep. goodnight. My summer awaits.

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